What are my Options?

Leaving an abusive relationship can be a difficult and scary process, but there are several options available to you. Here are some steps you can take.

Consider contacting a domestic abuse helpline like the Live Fear Free Helpline or a local domestic abuse service, like Vale Domestic Abuse Service, where those who have been subjected to domestic abuse can receive confidential support, information, and resources from these services.

With their help, you can create a safety and support plan and connect with local services that can help you leave your abuser.

Find out more about Our Support here

Some helpful numbers:


01446 744755
between 9am – 5pm


0808 80 10 800
or via webchat www.livefearfree.gov.wales 


0808 801 0321
Mon & Tues 10am-4pm
Wed 10am-1pm


0808 801 0327 

Galop (LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline)

0800 999 5428

Keep Yourself Safe

Tell someone you trust about your situation and ask them to keep an eye on you. Ask them to call the police if they hear a violent attack. They can give you emotional support and help you with practical matters, like finding a place to live.
Teach your children to dial 999 in an emergency and what they need to say (for example, their full name, address and telephone number).
Be sure to document any abuse that occurs, including dates, times, and details of what happened if it safe to do so. If you decide to pursue legal action, this documentation may be helpful. Digital apps like Bright Sky can help you accomplish this.
Make a safety plan outlining steps you can take to stay safe while leaving an abusive relationship. For instance, you can keep an emergency bag packed, find a safe place to stay, and have a code word to alert others if you are in danger. Be sure to keep important documents such as your driver’s license, passport, benefit or bank information, and a small amount of cash on you in case of an emergency. You may want to keep this with a trusted friend if you can.

Remember, leaving an abusive relationship can be difficult and emotional, but you are not alone. There are people and resources available to help you.

Understanding your housing rights

Every person has the right to live in a safe home. It can be frightening to escape domestic abuse and worry about where you (and your children) might live, and whether you will be safe. The following section provides some general guidance to get you started. For further specialist advice, please contact your local council or Shelter Cymru.

If you have been abused in your home and want to leave, but have nowhere to go, the homelessness department at your local council can help. If you reside in the Vale of Glamorgan, Vale Domestic Abuse Services can help you get in touch with them if you need support.

The council can help you even if you’re not sleeping on the street. Despite having legally occupied housing, the council should still consider you homeless if you cannot live there because of abuse.

If you live in in the Vale of Glamorgan, you can contact the council on 01446 700111 during office hours (8:45am – 5pm, Monday – Thursday. Friday 8:45am – 4:30pm) or outside of office hours on 01446 721534.

The website has lots of information too, under its Housing Support section, which you can visit here.

The council should consider you homeless if:

Domestic abuse is abuse from another person who is, or has been:

You have no accommodation that you have a right to occupy.
You have a right to occupy accommodation (for example, because you have a joint tenancy) but you cannot return there because it is likely that you, or anyone else you live with (e.g. one of your children) will be subjected to abuse.
You are in short-term accommodation (e.g. staying with a friend or relative, or staying in a refuge) because you have left your home as a result of abuse or threats of abuse.
Your spouse or civil partner your intimate partner, regardless of gender.
A family member, including your parents, grandparents or someone who has had parental responsibility for you
Someone who has agreed to marry you, or enter into a civil partnership with you (whether or not that has happened).
Another member of your household (e.g. a carer, or a friend that you normally live with).
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