links to other services

We’ve collected some useful resources and links. This page is regularly updated,  and more resources will be coming shortly. If you need any further information, please contact us on 01446 744755

This page is designed to signpost people to useful information and links relating to domestic abuse and sexual violence. 

Vale Domestic Abuse Services are not responsible for the content of external websites, but endeavour to keep this list up to date.

Job Centre Plus

9 Holton Road, Barry F63 4HA

Telephone: 01446 444048

Shelter Cymru provides advice to people in housing need

Advice Line: 0345 0755005

Cardiff: 029 2055 6120

Flying Start

The aim is to support families to give children a better start in life

Telephone: 01446 732180


Telephone: 01446 748852

Citizens Advice Bureau

119 Broad Street, Barry CF62 7TZ

Telephone: 0344 77020

Mind in the Vale

26 Tynewydd Road, Barry CF62, 8HB

Telephone: 01446 746191

Rape Crisis England & Wales

What to do if you see sexual violence

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